I’m sitting right across a young couple on the bus. I’m trying not to stare at them, but it’s hard not to. It’s so delightful watching them. I feel happy when I sense the joy and happiness around me. I kind of feel jealous too. They’re in their early 20’s. They’re looking into each other’s eyes. It’s beautiful. It’s pure love. I feel the passion between them. The guy very gently gets a kiss from the girl’s neck as if he’s dealing with a delicate flower. The girl looks at him very kindly and kisses him on the cheek. Then they start French kissing. This goes on for quite a while until the guy’s blackberry interrupts this beautiful scenery. Damn you, Technology! You ruined it for this young couple as well. Technology is a pest! Technology is a drug!
We are in the era of technology. Technology has provided us with luxury. The comfort and ease technology has brought into our lives, makes us to get more and more attached to it. It’s changed our lifestyle. It even manages us on our daily tasks; ie., when to have dinner, when to walk the dog, when to take a bath, when to have sex, etc. We spend lots and lots of money to get the newest technology. We overload our lives and time with the latest devices. Sometimes we don’t even need them, but we get the urge. We get the itch. We might need it in case, maybe sometime in future. Literally, we can’t live without technology.
Technology comes in different shapes. Some are used to get us to our necessities. Some we use to get our work done. And some we use to network or communicate with loved ones and others. They make our lives easier, but at the same time they change our lifestyles. Are we ready for it? Maybe it’s too late to phrase this question in a presence tense. Where we ready for it?
A good example of the changes technology has brought into our lives is the creation of the world of cyberspace. We spend more and more time in it, so that it unfortunately distracts us from more important stuff in our lives, from our daily tasks to our future goals and plans. We spend more and more time on Facebook, Skype, Twitter, playing online games, etc. This new world has affected not just a specific age group. Even a 5 year old knows how to use internet these days. Some even have their own Facebook. I’ve seen adults spending hours and hours playing online games even while they’re having dinner. We’re addicted! We’re an addict!
This is getting out of control. And the authorities are not helping either. In order to speed up this unprepared change in our lives, they’ve made it easier for us to access this cyberspace world anywhere we go. We even have wireless campsites or greyhound buses. We get internet on our cell phones or other latest devices out there. So there’s no shortage. As a cyberspace addict, it’s easier to fulfill our addiction than an alcoholic or a drug-addict. Oh, and this addiction is legal by the way.
I myself am a cyberspace addict too. I don’t have the latest technology (ie. iPhone, Blackberry, et.); however, I spend at least 3-4hrs a day on internet. Due to some circumstances, I was away from the world of cyberspace for 4/5 days. The amount of work I got done in that timeline was unbelievable. I finally started my children’s book after a year of just bragging about it. I decorated my new apartment and finished unpacking. I did lots of thinking and planning for future. I did lots of walking. And I started my yoga again. I was still left with extra time. Wow, what a difference!
Now that I got internet at home again, I won’t let it rule my life anymore. I won’t let it play with my future anymore. I won’t let it ruin my future relationship anymore. I will use it responsibly. I’ll be one who’s in charge. Technology is a pest unless we use it responsibly. We all heard the phrase ‘Don’t drink and drive’ over and over, so we should emboss this in our brain too. I’m not being scientific here. It’s just my life experience. I learned my lesson…
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