Mr. Dick Cheney,
Your presence in my country today, Sept. 26th, 2011 really bothers me. Many people know you responsible for war crimes. They accuse you of being a war profiteer. While demands for your war crimes prosecutions are growing, you are freely on your North American tour promoting your new book 'In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir'?!?! "Who let the dogs out"?
Sir, you broke every possible international treaties and rules by your actions and by implementation of your corrupted ideology. The term of ‘war criminal’ applies to humans. The question is, are you a human to even be accused of war crimes??? With all your barbaric and inhumane actions, to me you are nothing but a wild animal. And a wild animal can't be free because it can bring harms upon others.
If you claim that Osama Bin-Laden was responsible for killing around 3,000 people, well, you Sir were responsible for killing 177,500. And this number is just an estimate. There's no precise number of how many people got exactly killed because of your action and your insanity. And there never will be. Besides, you were not only responsible for loss of lives of Iraqis or Afghans who were clearly worthless in your eyes and your fellow colleagues', but also you were responsible for killing your own countrymen.
Sir, you, your puppet president, and your administration called Saddam and Osama terrorists and threats to your national security. You went after Saddam, yanked him out of his hiding hole, and handed him in to the angry Iraqis for the ‘so-called’ justice. At the end, he was sentenced to death by hanging. And we all (may) know what happened to Osama. And we all saw the pictures of 'so-called' evidence of Osama's death all over internet again and again and again.
If those men, those terrorists, paid price for their actions in those manners, then I wonder how you can be held accountable for your own actions! After all, as you may know, every action has a reaction, right? And I can tell from your record that you agree with me in regard to employing an extreme punishment for an extreme bad action or behaviour. So now the question is, why a wild animal like you who deserves an extreme punishment walks freely and promotes his new book in my country?
Sir, the world is better off without you or others who share the same mentality like yours. Today, I am ashamed of myself for having YOU in my country. Today, I am more than any time ashamed of my government for letting you in my country. I am very disappointed. I was planning on drawing a cartoon about your book tour, but then I decided not to. You're not worth of my time nor my talent.
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