I look at the mini-clock on my desktop. Il est 20 heures 25. Quelle heure est-il à Paris en ce mement ? Il est deux heures 25. Ici, il est samedi encore. Mais, à Paris, il est déjà dimanche. Là-bas, il est tôt le matin. People are sleeping. I'll be there in almost 4 days. J'ai hâte...
J'ai vraiment besoin ces vacances. I haven't been since the New Year. Part of the preparation for my trip has been practicing my French. I've been learning it by myself so far. And of course, I've had so many helps on the side from my friends and my coworkers, especially from my good friend Daena and my good coworker Carole. I couldn't have done it without them. I must say, I myself can't even believe the progress I've made for the past 2 months. When I come back from my trip, I'll be taking French classes. And I'm aiming by the New Year, I'll be speaking this beautiful language fluently. I did it with English, so I can do it with French too. Who know... If I get so good at speaking it, I may even consider moving to France. Well, if not that far, then it will be Montréal. Or I'll run for the prime minister. Haha! Watch out, Harper!
Je pense en français, anglais, et farsi ces jours. Mes rêves aussi sont en français, anglais, et farsi ces jours. Ce n'est pas bizarre pour moi. But people may find it confusing sometime since I accidentally respond in French or Farsi instead. It's been a great experience though. And I am glad that i decided to do it. Especially at this time, I really needed something to distract my mind from the things happening around me. Alors, français, merci bien pour l'aide.
Without you, I would have felt more:
non désirée
and many more bad feelings.
Main, tu as été rendu possible par moi que j'ai au moins mauvais pressentiments. Et aussi, tu as fermé des nouveaux portes par moi. Merci !
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